Country: Brazil
Height: 1650
Treatment: dried
Breed: IPR100%
Rating: 87
Hints: hazelnut - fig - strawberry
Suggested recipe for espresso:
Coffee quantity: 18.5 grams
Water quantity: 30 ml
Water temperature: 91
Extraction time: 32 seconds
Suggested recipe for drip coffee:
Coffee quantity: 20 grams
Water quantity: 300 ml
Water temperature: 90
Extraction time: 2:45
Grind level: Medium V60
Preparation method:
Pour 60 ml
Pour to 120 ml
Pour to 180 ml
Pour to 230 ml
Last pour to 300 ml
Extraction ends at 2:45
Suitable for espresso and filter drinks.
(It is recommended to use it after 15 days from the date of chickpeas)